Informacion de las Reglas Sutumutukuni y Ocha Lukumi, Palo Monte, Mayombe y Santeria

Saturday, June 16, 2007

El Fundamento Lukumi

La Bendicion alcanza el ile.
La Cultura Ewe tiene sus maximos exponentes entre Batu
y Lukumi en nuestro entorno afroamericano.
Congos y Lukumi no solo complementan su devenir en
Cuba sino que su convergencia en estos tiempos
evidencia que Ewe tiene el conocimiento del Origen y
tiene los fundamentos para darnos lo que venimos a
buscar a La Tierra: Total realizacion.
Alerto a la comunidad de La Oferta de alternativas
yorubas de la tradicion de Ife que estan estimulando
el Santo Lavado para pasar directamente al iniciado a
Alerto a la comunidad del mal que le esta haciendo al
ahijado el sacerdote que obvia el requerimiento de las
ceremonias de Palo Monte y Mayombe, como parte de Ewe
y del Culto a Egun, previos a Ocha, pues deja cojo al
ahijado por su desconocimiento o aun peor sus
intereses personales,culturales y de grupo.
Quien tenga miedo que se compre un perro.
Alerto a la comunidad del intento de los sacerdotes de
Ifa que siguiendo la tradicion de Ife pretenden
ejercer Supremacia sobre Ocha y determinar sobre los
Orichas porque el que sea iniciado por ellos no tiene
la legacia de Ache de Igba Iwa Ache Oricha y ese Poder
de Olofi es propiedad de Ocha.
Sin Igba Iwa Ache Oricha no hay fundamento que otorgue
Ache a las Consagraciones. He aqui una explicacion de
porque sus iniciaciones estan careciendo de Ache.
Alerto a La Comunidad sobre La Regla Lukumi aceptada
incluso por el Oni de Ife de que los Babalaos no
tienen autoridad para obrar sobre Oricha hasta tener
Igba Iwa Odu. Este alerta es muy rojo. No todos pueden
seguir haciendo lo que hacen con esta Regla que lo que
busca es propiciar el Ache Oricha. No todos tienen Odu
para recibir a Olofi, del mismo modo no todos tienen
la jerarquia y la virtud para consagrar tu Oricha. Se
requiere a Olofi y hay que tener su Autoridad para
consagrar Orichas en Ara.
Mira bien que el sacerdote que elijas tenga el
Fundamento y que el fundamento se exprese a traves de
el en Espiritu y que ese Espiritu sea afin contigo y
propicie tu Bendicion y la de los tuyos.
Alerto a la comunidad, sigo considerando que Palo,
Ocha e Ifa hacen la diferencia si se integran como
herramientas de Olodumare para propiciar la evolucion
del Ser y la manifestacion Oricha en Ara.
Asi como fue en Oyo, es en el Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto.
Somos kongo lukumi. Tenemos La Mision de preservar la
tradicion, el conocimiento y el Ache.
Bogbo to Ache Olodumare

Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto

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Blogger Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto said...

Babalaos o no Babalaos (part 7)

Ocha es Mayor que Ifa. La Doctrina de Ife quiere imponer que Ocha sin Ifa es incompleto lo cual no es cierto. Ocha es mayor que Ifa. Un Olocha es un Rey en Ara y un babalao es un sacerdote de Orula y Orula es hijo menor de Obatala y hermano menor de Chango y Elegua. El babalao no tiene en derecho ninguna atribucion competente en Igbodu Ocha y al no poder consagrar Caracol menos debe darle de comer.
Para nada se necesita a Ifa en Ocha Lukumi. No se necesito Ifa durante 4 siglos en Cuba y Ocha es hoy el pastel que quieren dividirse los tratadistas de Ife.
Cuando un Olocha comienza un proceso de iniciacion no necesita para nada a un babalao salvo que el Olocha provenga de casa de babalao y haya creado dependencia cognitiva de Ifa para llegar a Ocha. En realidad el Olocha puede llegar a Ocha sin intermediarios.
Los Odus nacen unos de otros y despues de Eyila Oyo tiene reinado para todas las cabezas si se consagran con Ache de Igba y la bendicion de Odu.Odu Ifa se lee verticalmente porque su significado es vertical, del cielo a La Tierra. Odu Ocha se lee tanto horizontal como verticalmente y habla del camino de la encarnacion de Ocha en Ara por lo cual Ifa no es imprecindible.
Ifa y la doctrina desarrollada por Ife ha venido a ser una complicacion y osorbo en las consagraciones de Ocha y para preservar el Ache ya muchas casas de las que fueron condicionadas por el sistema tradicionalista de Ife estan retomando su raiz Lukumi y prescindiendo de los babalaos y limitando sus consagraciones a la participacion exclusiva de Olochas: los verdaderos Reyes de Ocha.
Bogbo to Ache Olodumare

Obakinioba Obatesi

January 11, 2008 at 1:45 PM

Blogger Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto said...

Babalawos or not Babalawos (part 3)

Ache is definitely "The divine wisdom and intelligence of Olodumare."
"A life is not fulfilled until one is BURIED by his own children". It's a perfect statement to describe how the spirit that reunite us talk about perpetuity and change referred to the Diaspora and Motherland.
I can't agree with you that Ifa his "the glue that binds us all" because as Sign that carry information from Orunmila every tradition have is own interpretation according with his cultural inputs. The cultural inputs of Motherland aren't the same of Diaspora.
Ifa is the Memory but to interpret it it's necessary to have the consecratory inputs of Ocha and the cultural vehicle to communicate it. Without Ocha Ifa haven't the primal meaning and the Ache. In this case the primacy of Ife haven't foundation and only reduce the strengthens of Ocha. We don't need go to Ocha throughout Ifa; we can go directly and to receive the Blessing of Olofi, Olorun and Olodumare. Only is needed Ache. Them, the "glue that binds us all" is Ache.
Your statement about Ifa and Merindilogun is out of facts and deep understanding of our Foundations. Meanwhile Ifa have 16 Odus Dilogun have 21.
The starting point was Odua and Oyo not Ife. Shells come first than seeds.
This Foundation make possible that Lukumi Diaspora preserve the Ache and The Knowledge Base of Ocha as spiritual gift of our lineage. We deal with the shells of Yemaya and the Orichas to reach Olofi.
Isn't' matter that Ife create a Program to recognize Lukumi Heritage, is that we know The History from the Beginning and Ife conditioned thinking can't recognize it, knowledge them can't to descend to Reality without tools; without Ache; this impede that babalaos work together with Lukumi. The Doctrine of Ife as became interpreted by Babalaos disrespect Ocha. Not too much Obas from the Lukumi Diaspora are requested by Ife to give the Blessing of Ocha on Nigeria or your school.
Fish fried have the eyes open...
There is a teaching of Chango Omoalara Olofi when retain the Igba Iwa Ache Oricha as Ruler to refund the Ifism and Ocha as philosophy of a New Diaspora and a New Ife into Oyo.
Only the Oni send by Odu can Rule Ate. Olofi send his Son.
Bogbo to Ache Olodumare.

Obakinioba Obatesi

January 11, 2008 at 1:52 PM

Blogger Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto said...

Babalawos or not Babalawos (part 2)

What is important is to realize that knowledge and teaching is nothing without Ache. That we as priesthood need the write memory of Ocha on Ifa and the Ache to reach the goal of to serve as instruments of Ocha in Onile and to complete our transition to Orun with ire and Blessings under the Rule of Odua, our common ancestor and King of Oyo, included Ife.
The secret to the success of Chango, as a king, a man, a divinity is because Chango was gifted by Olofi with two Igbas to develop Onile as house of Ocha. Chango is Omoalara and also instrument of Orunmila and Olodumare as Ruler of Ocha and King of Oyo, the Empire of Egun and Ocha. The hierarchy of a Oni is the same at Onile that Araonu and if this hierarchy is confirmed by Odu there haven't another hierarchy at the scale of Hierarchies of Ocha.
A thing is an advisor an other an Oricha.
To interpret that Chango consult to Ifa through a babalao its precise to be babalao and to assume the Ife Doctrine and philosophy because Orunmila talk with Chango through Dilogun. Chango consult his Ifa through a babalao; It's another thing.
Our head is in Orun, our body is in Ara if we are Oricha. I as spirit in transit saw an Awo as guide to come, here on Ara saw another Awoses to realize my Crown; it's also another thing. Chango don't lose the kingdom when gift Orula with Igba Iwa Odu.
I also can’t agree with you about your statement “Ifa is not necessarily higher than the others.” because Ifa is a memory of Orunmila, one more of his system to let us Know How. Ifa isn’t Oricha and can’t to be included into Oricha hierarchy. Meanwhile He is, however, the communicator, the spokesman of Orula, Oricha of Wisdom. The only one appointed by Olodumare to deliver the message that brings about peace, harmony and balance is Orunmila, The Witness of Creation, and to propitiate this Blessings on Ara we need Ocha.
Another thing to understand is that Ife, the Ifism and the babalaos conditioned by the Ife Program was establish a strong competition with Ocha, the Olorichas and the Diaspora without knowledge or enough wisdom of what the Diaspora is and mean to Ocha. It’s clear and evident the results of how someone can to interpret is own cultural program and how the different ways of colonialism can produce different interpretations of the same History and attitudes that can promote that many houses don’t want to work with babalaos to preserve the consecratory Ache of Olofi.
The real problem is that the teaching of Ife is alienate of the Diaspora and Ocha as perpetuity of Oyo, the Kingdom of Odua.

Obakinioba Obatesi

January 11, 2008 at 1:54 PM

Blogger Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto said...

Babalawos or not Babalawos

The Lukumi Kings from Oyo was out of Africa because the results of the war with Ife. The Oyo Empire was traslated to America.
Since earliest 1500s The Lukumi Kings come to America with The Ocha Tradition. Lukumi people was stablished The Rule in America untill 1800s when come the first babalao to Cuba and the adaptations to The Rule.
My Ocha House come from La Pimienta- Susana Cantero, Rosa Mardoche, Josefina Beltran, Chango Dina and my Goodmother Omitoke from La Vibora, Habana,come from Aida La Suave, Chicho OchunDe, Maria Nunez Ewintola, Mercedes La Solariega, Benigno Ochunde, Benigno Obalogun,Oguntoye Lamberto Sama. No one work never with babalaos. Omitoke say me she come to work with babalaos in Miami at the 1980s and is alagualagua with more than 35 years and hundreds of Ocha made.
To justify the point of the bababaos it's neccesary understand the differences between the cultural colonialism that determine our point of view; if come from Nigeria, Cuba, Venezuela, Miami or Puerto Rico; our level of compromise with Ocha as Kings is different to the level of compromise with Ocha of a Priest of Orula? As King I have my Ifa and Orula send me his Sons to serve it and this the Rule in Lukumi. The babalao don't come as King to my House; he come as Priest to serve Orula. It's precise to know the epistemologic value of Oyo respect to Ife also: Lukumi are ruled by Ocha meanwhile Ife is ruled by Ifa.
Under Lukumi Rule Elegua, Ogun, Ochosi and Osun are sons of Obatala as Orula also. Olochas have authority to consecrate Bogbo Akaro and babalaos have authority only over Echu and Orula. Eleke consecration is exclusive to Olochas; Babalaos can't give Eleke Oricha and consacrate anything of Ocha if have not Ocha made and Oluos only can give ilde and Orula Eleke.
Babalaos with 'pata y cabeza" can't enter into Ocha Igbodu. How can if have not crowned the Orichas?. Babalaos and Oluos haven't authority to give Oricha.
The authority to perform divination over Ate on consecrations is shared bettween Obas and Babalaos. When the initiate have Ifa --Orula and Echu-- could make ebo de entrada with a Priest of Ifa, when not is enough with the Autority of the Oba to do the ebo on Ate.
Only Obases have authority to consecrate Osain and Dilogun on Lukumi. Oluos without the authority of Obatala and Ogun at Pinaldo can't sacrifice over Ocha because Ocha is Ota and Dilogun.
To have authority to sacrifice over Ocha an Oluo could to have received Pinado e Igba Iwa.
To have Authority to made Ocha is necessary the presence of an Oba with Igba Iwa Ache Oricha.
It's imposible to conquer Oyo again because the many heads crowned under The Hegemony of Odua on Lukumi, the Diaspora and the sincretism.
To honor Orula we need the Babalao but to honor Ocha we need the Oba of Oyo.
Olorichas are the Kings. No prepotency, no disrecpect. At last instruments of Ocha.
It's the Rule to Oyo and my Ile as Obakinioba.

Bogbo to Ache Olodumare

Obakinioba Obatesi

January 11, 2008 at 1:56 PM

Blogger Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto said...

El obakinioba y la Igba Iwa Ache Oricha

Obakinioba significa Rey sobre todas las Coronas.

La Igba Iwa Ache Oricha es un Poder de Olofi que actua y rige a Bogbo Ocha. No es regida por Elegua, Orula y Ozain como usted acota sino que estas Deidades estan incluidas dentro de Igba como instrumentos del Poder de Olofi en Ocha. Tambien incluye entre los que Usted menciona como regentes a Obatala, Inle Afokoyeri, Yemaya, Ochun, Chango, etc y su Consagración convierte al recipiente en Oricha Egun, entidad que solo reconoce la Autoridad de Olofi en Ara. Igba Iwa Ache Oricha tiene Odu Ita y lo representa en Onile como Fundamento de mayor Jerarquia en Ocha razon por la que todo Olocha queda bajo su Soberania como representante de Odua en Ara.

Igba Iwa Ache Oricha tiene jerarquia sobre Ifa.

Cuando Chango vino a poblar Onile tomo las Igbas del Ache y La Sabiduria.
Negoció la de La Sabiduria y se quedó con la del Ache. Eso se lo dio Olofi a Papa, no se lo dio un Awo Ifa con todo el respeto que nos merecen.

Obakinioba Obatesi

January 11, 2008 at 2:23 PM

Blogger Munanso Kimbisa Ntoto said...

Dilogun is first than Ifa

When Olocha moyuba Ocha talk with Odu thru shells associates with
Yemaya, Iya, the Mother of Ocha that give his shells as mouth of all
the beings sended by Olo.

Yemaya is the foundation of Dilogun. Knowledge is later; the matter
manifest it first than Orunmila as knowledge, memory of the spirits
send as Odu to Onile by Olodumare.

Obi is Ocha and Oricha. Va a la cabeza antes que ota, caracol o
cualquier otra semilla. Olocha pray since was created the seed:
Alaru fusile oricha badaro fumi sabo nitosi ati ibere na Obi ati
dilogun ni na oruko bogbo na oricha tikue nitosi iyewo modupue Obi
Elegua. Is neccesary first to connect with Elegua to access the
energy of Olodumare in Obi, the mediator between Ara and Orun, to
receive the blessing of Ocha. The bioenergetic system of creation
is integrate by Olorun, Ochua and Onile to receive the gift of Osain
and them Ocha. All in his own time. And in property Obi is the point
of contact in both religions. Piango piango kongo say.

Ifa also is seed and as a dilogun system born from Biague. Biague
is the form of 5 obinu in which only 4 talk and can be combined to
16 Odu or 256 or infinitely. All start from One, the Principle is
Biague that reach the Dilogun notion of Reality combined until the
kosmic dimension. He is the Conscience of Orunmila to manifest it as
Obi into moyuba, the key to access Orun y Ocha, included Orula.

Moforibale Obi but shells are first. If anyone have doubts about can
consult Elegua.

Obakinioba Obatesi

January 11, 2008 at 2:46 PM


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